Monday, July 21, 2008

West Texas Coalition of Democrats Update

I know, I know, it's been a while since I've blogged. (Is this really a verb?) But things change and things happen and I want you to know what's going on. So . . .

New Officers Were Elected at the Caucus at the Convention in June 2008.

Your new president is Johnnie Jones, former County Chair of Lubbock County now residing in Odessa. She has great organizational experience and skills, a marketing and pr background, and great passion for the Democratic Party.

Jim Perkins of Amarillo has agreed to serve as Vice President. Jim has worn many hats in the service of the Potter-Randall Democrats and we are fortunate to have his many skills now at the service of our Coalition.

Our new Secretary is Kinsey Croslin from Lubbock. She is super-organized and totally committed to our Coalition goals of making West Texas and West Texas issues a vital part of
the political dialogue in Texas.

Robert Ricketts, former candidate for the 19th Congressional District, is our new treasurer. It's kind of nice to have a 5-Star Accounting Professor help us find our way as we become a Federal Pac as well as a State Pac.

The Laney Camps
A major project for the next biennium is to conduct trainings for volunteers in the various campaigns. We will work with candidates and their campaign committees to develop an efficient and effective ground game. Our inspiration for this project is the Honorable Pete Laney who will also provide much of our leadership---and the name of our project, the Laney Camps. Let us know if you know or are part of a campaign committee that wants to hit the ground running after Labor Day. Our Laney Camps will be kicking off in August.

Our Go-To Guy, The Honorable Joe Heflin, (D) HD 85.

The Coalition's Go-To Guy to kick off the Fall Campaign season is The Honorable Joe Heflin.
Oue mission is to bring together funds, volunteers, and support from all over West Texas for a candidate who sincerely represents West Texas values and issues. We hope West Texans will contribute to his campaign, whether or not he will be on your ballot. He technically represents HD 85, but any West Texan from any district can expect an attentive and intelligent hearing from Joe Heflin. Like Pete Laney before him, he understands the economics and culture of our region and that's why he is our Go-T0 Guy.
Furthermore, he was a legislative star in his first term in the State Legislature. He was selected:
Legislator of the Year by the County Judges and Commissioners
Freshman Legislator of the Year by the Democratic Caucus
Friend of County Government by the Texas Association of Counties
Distingusihed Legislative Service Award for 2007 by the Texas Municipal League
Honorary Legislative Star by the Texas Classroom Teachers
Legislator of the Month (March) by the Texas Municipal League
Clearly, it behooves us to keep this Star of West Texas working for us all in Austin.
So send your contributions to
Joe Heflin
PO Box 426
Crosbyton, TX 79322

Let us hear from you. Nominate your own Star of West Texas! We need to know much more about each other. We are people spread thin over an area as large as Vermont or New Hampshire or something. We need to make a noise. A joyful noise about West Texas Stars!

Mary V


At 7/22/2008 10:01 AM, Blogger Sue said...

Thanks for update Mary V. The new leadership team is super.

At 11/15/2008 6:34 AM, Blogger That’s Less Said and I’m Les Montgomery said...

This a Comment about your Vice President and his recent post in the Amarillo Globe News. You got to be kidding me. Just because the Panhandle Voted Republican we support Racism?

Since when are Abortions and Gay Rights Non-Issues?

And since when does Obama and the Left Wing Nuts not believe in "trickle-down, move-down and shake-down" policies. In Fact Obama's recent canidate to chief of Staff is known for those very polocies.

I didn't see Obama campaign in Amarillo.

His kind of "stupid" is what drives the right further away from the Left.

And Last I checked it was folks from the Regressive Southern States that has always brought Change. LBJ was the one who passed a Civil Rights Bill. MLK, Jr, Roas Parks, etc all came from the South. Bill & Hillary Clinton, once again from the South.

If you want to win Republicans for the Democratic flock you might try not alienating them.

At 11/15/2008 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what Jim said in his letter to the Amarillo Globe News that got Les so riled up. Let's see what all the hubbub is about. Post your reactions, please.

"After eight years of the failed policies of George W. Bush and the Republicans, there is no doubt that the country needed to go in a new direction.
In spite of Bill O'Reilly and the other talking heads, as well as the rest of the right-wing media, the people were tired of trickle-down, move-down and shake-down. It is clear that these policies are no longer valid in today's world.

Unfortunately, Texas and the Panhandle have chosen to remain in the 19th century. They have aligned themselves with the likes of the regressive states of Mississippi, Kansas, Georgia and Alabama, states that still believe in fighting a war of racism and a fail to accept that this country was founded and based on a diversity of culture and opinion.

As Texans continue in denial, they have re-elected a senator who has rubber-stamped this administration's errors - and a congressman from the 13th District who has done the same.

When a region votes 85 percent for one party, they are not voting issues, whether Republican or Democrat. They are voting stupidly.

The truly sad part is that these otherwise good and caring people have bought into the Right-Wing Media, the Christian Right and the large corporations' spin and actually believe they are interested in their welfare.

We will be hearing a great deal about the economy. Abortion and gay rights will take a back seat until the next election, when right wing-nuts will raise these non-issues to try to put the fear of God in people again.

Jim Perkins
Vice President
West Texas
Coalition of Democrats"


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