Prestigious Award Announced
Lubbock County Commissioner Patti Jones was made a charter member of Broomaday on Monday. Her lecture to participants in a public hearing on super precincts could be summarized as "sit down and shut up."
West Texas Coalition of Democrats represents the concerns of Texans who live west of I-35 to New Mexico and from the Oklahoma border to the Edwards Plateau, plus El Paso and the other communities of far West Texas. In Texas political terms, this vast region comprises Texas Senate Districts 19, 28, 29, 30, and 31, a strong community of interest defined by our semiarid environment, our rural-based economy, and our social values.
Lubbock County Commissioner Patti Jones was made a charter member of Broomaday on Monday. Her lecture to participants in a public hearing on super precincts could be summarized as "sit down and shut up."
West Texas Coalition of Democrats held its biennial meeting on Friday, June 9, 2006 at the convention in Fort Worth. New officers were elected to two-year terms. Mary V. Hatfield is the new president, replacing outgoing president Pam Brink. Todd Klein was elected vice president, and Sue Weninger and Martha Hulsey were reelected as treasurer and secretary respectively. Congratulations to the new officers.
I was never so very proud to be a Democrat as I was at the conclusion of the hard-fought campaign for state chair between Glen Maxey and Boyd Ritchie. Both sides were passionate, savvy, and committed to their candidates. But when it was all said and done, most people accepted the outcome with class--especially Glen Maxey whose concession speech pledged support for the party and its new chair and especially Boyd Ritchie who welcomed with warmth and sincerity Glen's offers. It was a great moment for our party. And duly noted in the Press, I might add. The Dallas Morning News reported the solidarity of Democrats from its grassroots to its hard-working gardners at party headquarters.
We had a really nice time at the convention. The SD 28 caucus was visited by a slate of candidates for the 3rd court of appeals--all good looking, articulate, smart. Good luck! Congressional District 19 candidate Robert Ricketts spoke next with an inspiring call for sensible government. Judge Moody sent a representative to ask for support in his March for Justice. Carolyn Salsberry was elected committeewoman and J.B. Hall committeeman. Pete Laney spoke also.